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Topic:   Assemblies not visible after upgrade

By: ThomasPosted on: Jul 15 2024 at 02:44:51 AM
Have just upgraded some of our PC's to 5.0.139.
But the upgraded machines cannot see at least the latest added assembly.
The machines still running 5.0.72 can still see the assembly in question.
Anyone else seen this?

By: SupportPosted on: Jul 15 2024 at 04:54:32 AM
Hello Thomas. I can't think of any reason why the different versions should/shouldn't see a particular assembly.

When looking at the list of All Assemblies (using 5.0.139). In the top right corner is a small button with 3 horizontal lines. Click that and select the option to view hidden or obsolete parts. Do you see the assembly now? If you do then right click on the part number and de-select the obsolete or hidden state.

I'm really not convinced that that hidden/obsolete thing is the answer but check it anyway just to eliminate that possibility.

Another thing - are you all using the same 'Standard' or 'Pro'. Is the assembly in question in a different physical site/location that the .139 version isn't looking at?

You can see I'm struggling here because I really can't think of any difference between the two versions that would cause this.

You said "Latest Added Assembly". Really just the most recently created assembly? Create another new one. Just a dummy that you can delete later. Does that new one remain hidden to .139 versions? and did the previous latest one now appear?

By: SupportPosted on: Jul 15 2024 at 04:55:12 AM

By: ThomasPosted on: Jul 15 2024 at 05:11:58 AM
I agree, I'm also struggling to find the cause. Definitely not something we've seen before.
I'll go through everything again, and see if there is some weird little thing that's gone wrong somewhere.
I'll come back with more, when I have investigated more.

By: ThomasPosted on: Jul 15 2024 at 10:12:20 AM
So, false alarm.
It appears that someone had loaded a backup locally, during some network issues, continued to use the local image... and that had spread to a couple of colleagues...
So, a good thorough clean-up did the trick.
BTW, used your tip with the dummy assembly, and followed the visibility through to all the machines.
Thanks a bunch :-)

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