Topic: Choosing an alternate part within a Work order
By: Simone | Posted on: Mar 20 2019 at 05:08:08 AM | Before launching a work order, or during its production, I had always been taking advantage of taking, from the warehouse, components very similar to the ones in a BOM, because of their greater availability, or in lack of the expected ones (e.g. a 2,21K resistor instead of a 2,2K).
Since MiniMRP does not seem to offer the possibility to choose an alternate part before launching a work order (unless one modifies the assembly list), I suggest - hopefully in a close upgrade - to foresee that one could replace some components directly from the BOM of a work order, wether in progress or not. The previously allocated/issued material shuld be automatically reloaded into the inventory, and the new items allocated/issued immediately. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 6 2021 at 12:25:34 PM | I just wanted to follow up on this to see if there has been any effort to incorporate a way to select alternates for a single work order. Thanks! | |
By: Support | Posted on: Jan 7 2021 at 03:00:08 AM | Sorry. No.
Even if we did allow it then that would change the assembly's parts list affecting all future work orders.
So. Sorry. This we feel is too much complexity for a 'Mini' mrp. | |
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