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Topic:   Closed customer order - need to deliver

By: GuestPosted on: Aug 5 2019 at 05:55:36 AM
Hi all, I've closed a customer order before delivering it - how do i open it again from the closed column?

By: GuestPosted on: Aug 5 2019 at 06:27:51 AM
In the menu on the left of the program window go to "List Completed Orders". The order you closed will be in that list.

Open (edit) the order and make a change. Maybe change a quantity or something and change it back. Just something to make the Save button appear. Click the save button.

Now when you re-open or refresh the list of orders waiting to shipped you'll see that ordr is now waiting to be shipped.

By: GuestPosted on: Aug 30 2019 at 05:52:44 AM
I don't find this "List Completed Orders" on the menu. Also, I have a similar issue where I want to see the old work orders. Is there a missing menu selection?

By: GuestPosted on: Aug 30 2019 at 05:54:56 AM
Sorry, I meant I don't see an option to view old work orders/WIP. I see the customer orders option on the menu.

By: SupportPosted on: Aug 30 2019 at 07:06:43 AM
Your question about listing completed customer orders.
Are you saying you don't have this button in your menu?

That's a v5 picture - but previous versions had the exact same button.

By: SuportPosted on: Aug 30 2019 at 07:14:28 AM
Your question about old work orders.

In the menu on the left of the program window you have the 'WorkOrders/WIP button. Click that and select the button to "View Stock Work Orders" or "View Customer Work Orders". depending on what type of WO you're looking for.

That brings up a list of your open/incomplete Work Orders.

In the bottom right corner of that window you see the "More" button. Click that and it loads pages back in time including your completed Work Orders.

By: GuestPosted on: Sep 10 2019 at 05:04:52 AM
Excellent thanks! Just what I was looking for and overlooked!

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