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Topic:   Closed WO pricing

By: GuestPosted on: Oct 17 2024 at 05:07:47 AM
I have searched the forum and can't quite find an answer.
I have a closed WO (customer WO). I change the price of a component in the general database (new items have increased in price). I go back to a closed WO and find that the item price has updated there also, so it is now reporting an incorrect total material cost for the closed (and already delivered) WO.
Is this supposed to happen? Can it be locked out?
Thanks in advance.

By: SupportPosted on: Oct 17 2024 at 07:20:16 AM
Sorry. No. It can't be changed. Not in the current version.

This is one of the limitations in "Mini" MRP. The problem is storage space. Size of the database. If every assembly in every old work order had to be saved to the database so that you could refer back to the historic build costs of previously executed work orders then the size of the database would grow rapidly.

If it was an important feature requested by many users but you really are the first person in over 25 years to even mention it.

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