Whether I obsolete a part or not the items are still counted in my inventory value. I don't want to count the value of obsolete parts.
I don;t see an option to run a report on the value of obsolete parts. If there was I could at least subtract one from the other.
What are my options.
By: Support
Posted on: Dec 11 2023 at 02:56:03 AM
That's a good question. Sorry. We currently have no way to exclude value of obsolete parts.
I don't remember anyone else ever asking for this which suggests that other people are happy with the way it currently works.
But you do raise a valid point.
If we do something we would need to do it in such a way that it doesn't change the current behavior. We need to add additional options to include/exclude obsolete and/or hidden items.
We need to have a think about this.
In the meantime though can I suggest just listing your obsolete items and export to Excel. In Excel make a simple formula that totals up the cost multiplied by onhand quantities.
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