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Topic:   Request on the "show shortages" function (within a work order)

By: SimonePosted on: Feb 16 2025 at 06:07:22 PM
Dear Support,

after having searched extensively in the forum, to find out what the real indication given by the “show shortages” function – within the single allocated “work order” – is (“show me the missing components, taking into account only the warehouse stock and excluding the commitments already in place by other work orders”), I concluded that it would be much more useful if it ALSO showed the components requested by the order itself, which are already present in the general shortage (report) due to other orders, different from the one analyzed.

In this way, if I needed to procure components for one or more orders deemed more urgent, I could purchase those actually required, but integrating those indicated as necessary ALSO for other orders, thus avoiding missing them for the latter, if I simply took them from the stock to immediately put into construction only the urgent orders.

The simplest example is if I have two orders that use 5 pieces of a component each, with a stock of 6. Currently the “show shortages” function within the single “work order” already allocated does not return any shortages for that component, because the stock (6) exceeds the need for each order taken individually, even though both have been allocated and the global “shortage report” already indicates a shortage (-4) due to both orders. What I mean is that it would be more useful if the “show shortages” function, called indifferently within one of the two orders, in addition to the real requirement for one of the two orders (isolated from any others that may be present) and based on the real stock, ALSO indicated the need to purchase that component for at least 4 pieces because, if taken, it would also be missing from the other order that uses it.

It would certainly be easier this way, rather than going into the global “shortage report” and trying to distinguish the “urgent” components from those of all the orders in allocation.

Thanks in advance

By: SupportPosted on: Feb 17 2025 at 12:39:40 PM
Thank you for the feed back. I put this into the 'suggestion box'

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Topic:- Request on the "show shortages" function (within a work order)

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