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Topic:   Shopping for a P&V replacement

By: MattRPosted on: Feb 13 2025 at 10:07:36 PM
Hello Forum,
I have been using P&V for 15 years or so. Im starting a new business and need a replacement product that can be run by two different people in two different locations. Cna I do this with the standard version or do I need to the proversion to make this work. Without having the database on a cloud storage site, the db file for the standard version how is it stored? What I dont want to have to do is pass a file back and forth between two people. Will this tool work fo rme in this case?

By: GuestPosted on: Feb 15 2025 at 01:19:06 PM
I don't know much about P&V but I'd suggest that the db for the standard version of MiniMRP will use a similar file sharing method as that used by P&V. ie a Microsoft Compatible 'JET' data file.

The two locations - do you already have a fast network between them? I mean is there a way for a file to be placed in a shared folder in one location and have people in the other location see and work with that file?

The standard version of MiniMRP uses that shared file method of sharing the datafile betwen multiple people. But the connection from a remote location would need to be pretty quick. It wouldn't be comfortable working across the internet unless it was a quick connction.

The best way would be to use SQL Server. The server could be on one of your locations or on a cloud server. This still requires data being transferred over the network but because it's a dedicated server (ie not a simple shared file) the amount of data being transferred over the wire is greatly reduced. Even over a slower network such as an internet connection the performance is good.

The standard version can only do the shared file method. The 'Pro' version can do shared file or dedicated SQL Server.

By: MattRPosted on: Feb 18 2025 at 07:14:05 PM
Thanks for the response. So to be clear it is possible for two people with the standard version to access the database file at the same time without creating issues? I do understand the speed issues with the access on the database file.
If I was to start with the standard version and then need to upgrade to the pro version, is the database compatible or is there a procedure to migrate it to the sql server option?

By: GuestPosted on: Feb 19 2025 at 04:34:43 PM
Yes. The standard version can share the same data at the same time with multiple users.

But do not try to do it with something like DropBox, OneDrive or Google drive.

The trial is fully functional so give it a try. If you need a longer trial period then just contact them by email they'll extend the trial for you.

If you do upgrade to the pro version and want to switch to SQL Server then the pro version comes with a tool that can migrate a standard database up to sql server.

By: MattRPosted on: Feb 19 2025 at 04:47:32 PM
That sounds like what I wanted to hear. Thank you so much for your knowledge.

By: GuestPosted on: Feb 20 2025 at 01:16:11 PM
SQL Server can be almost any version of Microsoft SQL Server. The free 'Express' edition is more than capable.

It can also be MySQL or MariaDB so the server that's built in to most websites (if it allows remote clients) and also many NAS Disk stations. Also Amazon AWS and Google's database servers. Both of those have a free tier that's also well able to run a MiniMRP database. So having a database out in the cloud shouldn't be expensive.

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