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Topic:   Transfers Between Locations

By: GuestPosted on: Dec 19 2024 at 01:11:10 PM
Latest Pro/Enterprise Version...

I've got several hundred transfers to do between locations, which is unreasonably slow and error prone using the "Move Quantity to Location" tool. These transfers are not 100% transfers - some quantity will stay in the old location.

1) I can do a CSV export of the parts, which I've seen you recommend here in the forum.
2) But then, I would have to adjust the quantity in the CSV file for the new location.
3) And then do a CSV import into the new location.
4) But then, I would have to adjust the quantity in the CSV file for the OLD location.
5) And then do an CSV import into the old location to adjust the old location count.

Is this your recommended process?

Have you contemplated a better process?

By: GuestPosted on: Dec 20 2024 at 05:13:30 AM
You're going to have to key in the quantities somewhere - whether you key the new quantity in to MiniMRP or into Excel it's still keystrokes you have to do.

I do it by importing the inventory items into the new location without any quantities just to get the part numbers into the new location. Then select the menu option "All Components" to bring up the list of parts. Then over to the right is the "Lock" button. Unlock that. Then go down the list keying new quantities into the quantity column.

This is still a lot of keying in of the quantities but, as I said, I have to key them somewhere. The quantity can't do itself.

An easier way would be nice but I can't actually think of anything. Thankfully it's not a task I need to do often.If it was a task I needed to do often then I'd say I need to rethink how I manage my stores.

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