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Topic:   Work Order and Bill of Materials

By: GuestPosted on: Apr 6 2019 at 08:41:17 AM
"Use Work Orders to generate Bills of Materials to control the allocation and issuing of materials." - this is from the MiniMRP website.

What does the above statement mean? Bill of Materials and Sales Orders drive the generation of Work Orders. It does not make sense that a Work Order would generate a Bil of Materials. Can you explain?

By: JasonPosted on: Apr 8 2019 at 11:48:58 AM
Makes perfect sense to me. I guess it's just "terminology".

I suppose the word "Generate" could be replaced by "Display" so it would read "Use Work Orders to Display Bills of Materials...." then you'd know what it meant. But, as I said, I think it;s just terminology. In my opinion the word 'BOM' is often used instead of 'Parts List'.

Within MiniMRP there's a thing called an "Assembly" or "Assembly Parts List". This is the list of all the components that would be required to make one (ONE) top level product. This document looks like a BOM and people often refer to it as a BOM. It might have multiple levels of sub assemblies but at this stage it's an "Assembly Parts List" not a BOM.

A customer comes along and places an order to buy 5 of your product. So you create a Work Order telling your factory to build 5 product. Now the work order generates (it displays) the Bill of materials (BOM) this is basically the above mentioned parts list except now it's showing everything with quantities multiplied up to build 5 of your product.

So. In MiniMRP speak. A "Parts List" is a list of components that describes the components/materials that would be used to build a product.
A "BOM" is the list of components that you need to fulfill a Work Order.

So, within MiniMRP you need to create an assembly (The part number for your top level product)
Then you create the Parts List for that assembly (using the Parts List Editor)

Then when you want to actually build some product you create a Work Order. The Work Order generates (displays) the Bill of Materials.

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