Topic: xCost
By: Guest | Posted on: Dec 21 2022 at 08:22:41 AM | I am using the excel Get Data feature to generate a COGs format that our accounting team can import into Quickbooks. This is working great except for one issue that has recently come up.
I imported a bunch of COGs from a csv file and while they do show correctly in MiniMRP they do not show COGs in the excel file that references the MRP5DATA file. If I go to "View/Edit" for one of these items and make any change and save it will then show "xCost" correctly.
Is there something I can do to update the xCost that is saved in the tblstockitems table without manually going into every item and making a change and saving? I tried Settings > Database Maintenance > Check Resync Compact and this did not help. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Dec 23 2022 at 08:16:37 AM | The xCost column in tblStockItems is not the place to (constently) store item cost. It's a place where minimrp does some calculations. For example when looking at an assembly or sub assembly the xCost cell would show the total build cost of that assembly. But when looking at PARTs the xCost cell of components is used by the software when totalling up that assembly cost. With that in mind the xCost will not always contain anything.
The actual cost is in tblItemSuppliers. Look in tblStockItems to get the ID from the ItemID cell and then look in tblItemSupplier for the item id. There may be more supplier's of the same item so potentially many to choose from. Look for the one with a "1" in the DefaultSupplier" cell. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 16 2023 at 10:32:26 AM | Okay, that makes sense.
We have been using the "Most recent purchased price." auto update feature. Ive noticed that this does change the price for the quantity received but does it also set this to the default price so that it will be used in build cost calculations? | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 27 2023 at 03:08:41 AM | I don't know (I'm just a 'guest' same as you). You'd need to check it. Should be easy to do. When you buy something from a non-default supplier go look in the item suppliers to see if that non-default is now the default.
But personally I don't think it should. When I set a default supplier I do that because it's that supplier's price that I want to use when calculating build costs.
When I'm making my product price list that I publish and send to potential customers it's the default suppliers price that I want to use as the basis of my quote because that's the price that I'm most comfortable with. If I can then save money later by buying from a non-default supplier then that's good for me but I don't want that actual buy price to affect my published price list. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Jan 30 2023 at 09:56:19 AM | These are two different things, i think.
Setting the "Standard" cost using the auto update, does just that, so it will be used when costing an assembly, however, this is bad if you keep any stock, becuase in a stock valuation it is also using the standard cost and just addin git all up.
Therefore when the auto update changes the standard cost, it will revalue anything you are holding as well.
The correct feature for COG's would be to eaither avergae the stock valuation report (which they will not do) or record the true value of the in-stock items (they won't do that either i think).
We have to accept that we turn off the auto update and make a manual decision when to increase the standard cost ourselves.
I wish that was not the case. | |
By: Guest | Posted on: Feb 2 2023 at 09:02:28 AM | Yes. It is two different things.
#1 On the one hand I'd like to know the cost of my on hand inventory. basically the actual purchase prices of every thing I've bought. If I build something I'd like to know the actual cost of materials that were consumed.
But then #2 I'd like to be able to forecast my build cost. We obviously can't see into the future so, as a best guess, the most recent purchase price is likely the nearest the the price tomorrow.
I think #2 is what minimrp is trying to do. I suspect they'd say that #1 is (using their terminology) just too much for a mini mrp. | |
By: Guest#99 | Posted on: Feb 3 2023 at 07:03:12 AM | I understand the problem. When minimrp creates a PO it automatically inserts the price. If that prices was a stock valuation based on FIFO then that price couldn't used in a PO because it's possible that nothing was ever purchased at that average, made up, price.
So it would need to maintain two prices. One being the average value based on FIFO and the other being the most recent purchase price - or the default price manually entered in to the item detail by the user. (So I guess that's 3 prices) | |
By: Daniel | Posted on: Feb 9 2023 at 02:01:27 AM | This is correct. Some systems allow the user to overwrite the average price, or reset it to the standard price in case of error. But, the minimum required is a last(Standard) price and and average price.
In our opinion this is a problem in MiniMrp - becuase the feature has been added to update the last price, which can cause serious issues with a stock valuation - if your business keeps stock.
If your business does keep significant stock, this simply does not work, and also does not meet any variation of accounting rules for stock valuations.
However - this has been discussed multiple times, the developers either can't or won't do it, search for average cost to read.
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By: Guest#99 | Posted on: Feb 9 2023 at 08:04:47 AM | If I've bought a lot of microchips, memory or computer disk drives at a high price and the bottom fell out of the markey and the value of those items drops a lot then I have two choices. One would be to hang on to that high value till I sell them at a loss some time in future. Or, Two, I revalue my stock at the current purchase price (not what I paid for the bulk of the stock) and write that off in the year end accounts. Basically my accountant doesn't want to know what I paid for my stock. he wants to know what's it's actually worth.
But, as Daniel said, this is an old argument. I think the developers just look at the numbers of people using the software vs the number of people asking for this feature and there just isn't enough to swing it. | |
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